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Comments and reviews of Zürich

TRIP: First visit to Zurich with Ana

We had a great time and visited some spots. But we knew we were moving here soon, so we were not in a hurry for visiting every touristic feature.


Zurich es una moderna ciudad que se encuentra en el valle de los alpes rodeado de verdes y bajas colinas.Tiene un casco historico (Alstadt) , muy bonito y fàcil de recorrer.
Es el motor financiero y cultural de Suiza toda.
Excelentes negocios cerca de la Paradeplatz , y en toda la Bahnhofstrasse, desde la estaciòn de trenes , hasta la orilla del lago.
El primer fìn de semana de agosto, los Zurichenses salen a las calles a bailar al ritmo de la mùsica electrònica en el Street parade, dandole mucho color al dìa

TRIP: Snow in Zurich

Today was snowing in the morning, but at noon it turned into a very sunny day and my dad picked me up and we went to play in the riverside park. I played with other dogs and with some children, it was really fun.
Then, at home, my dad gave me a bowl plenty of dog food. Now, I need a nap.