Oakham, United Kingdom
my trip to visit an exibition
December 13th 2008.
That was an very unexpected trip, or maybe not really as I was offered an invitation from a art gallery in Uppinham, rutland to attend the oppening of a very revered sculptor who I can't remember now his name. Anyway, the thing is that I wasn't sure either to go or not as I was forgotten till the day before that exibition took place, so on sunday morning I finally took a train to Peterborough and change train there to Oakham, thinking to link to Uppinham, by taxi or bus so that I could make it, but I couldn't. As the time I was waiting for the train that link in Peterborough was more than an hour or so, due to my own distraction having a lunch and misreading the time-table, as a result of that I arrived in Oakham well over two in the afternun with a very dim light in both, the sky and my expectation to reach any left over of the exibition in Uppinham.
I therefore, decided to stay at Oakham browsing the streets and doing some small choping; by my surprise despie, it is a very sleepy town it's got his charm too, neverdeless the ageing people that stroll the streets in search of some last christmas present or the street market dude screaming his veggies, there was a few restaurants and eateries that made their marks.
There is a reservoir near by, but I couldn't visited though, and a apparently very historic town near called Stamford.