Zhangjiajie, People's Republic of China
Mountain-Climbing Trip
September 28th 2007. 4 days
With my Younger Sister
Route: Beijing - (By Train) Changsha - (By Bus) Zhangjiajie
Local Flavor: 炒香干
Place of Interest: 武陵源,天门山,袁家界
Total Cost Per Person: RMB1600
Xi'an, People's Republic of China
With my Younger Sister
Route: By Train
Accomodation: Xi'an Normal University
Local Flavor: 贾三灌汤包,肉夹馍,凉皮,羊肉泡馍,烤羊肉,串蒸碗
Place of Interest:大雁塔,小雁塔,钟楼,鼓楼,秦始皇陵与兵马俑坑,法门寺,骊山
Total Cost Per Person: RMB1200
Pingyao, People's Republic of China
December 26th 2008. 3 days
With Jason, Kelvin, and Sissi
Route: By Car - Buick Lacrosse rented from Rent Auto (Jason as the Driver)
Accomodation:土炕 @ 郑家客栈(RMB148/Night)-The first night @衙门官舍(RMB100/Night)-The second night
Local Flavor: 栲姥姥, 平遥牛肉,刀削面,莜面,炒猫耳朵,山西老陈醋......
Place of Interest: 乔家大院,平遥古城,王家大院
Total Cost Per Person: RMB1500
Qingdao, People's Republic of China
Seafood Trip
August 31st 2007. 3 days
With Jason, Tina, Debroah, and Ruby
Route: By Train
Local Flavor: Seafood and Beer
Place of Interst: 崂山,八大关,石老人海水浴场
Total Cost Per Person: RMB600
Jason treated us so well that we got free but luxury accomodation - Duluxe Suite and all kinds of Seafood for lunch and dinnder, as well as all-trip tourism. All we need to pay for was our train tickets.
Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
My KK Trip
January 6th 2007. 5 days
Overall: Travle alone for the first 2 days, later with my younger sister.
Toute: Shenzhen -(By Ship) Macau - (By Air) K.K.
K.K. - (By Air) Macau -(By Bus) Zhuhai - (By Car) Shenzhen
Accomodation: Standard Room @ City Park Inn RM70/night-the first 3 days, Shangri-La Tangju Aru RMB980/night- later for 2 days.
Place of Interest: Center Point, Waterfront, Clock Tower, River Cruise, Sapi Island,
Local Flavors: Seafood, Juice, Durian Ice Cream Bum, 肉骨茶...
Total Cost Per Person: RMB5000
Chengdu, People's Republic of China
Merry Christmas in Chengdu
December 24th 2007. 4 days
With my little Aunty
Route: By Air from Beijing to Chengdu
Local flavor: 担担面,龙抄手,兔丁,火锅......
Place of Interest: 锦里,武侯祠,青城山,都江堰,平乐古镇......
Total Cost Per Person: RMB2000
Taiyuan, People's Republic of China
With Jason, Kevin and Sissi