By lihoa on March 23rd 2009.
By ssds on September 9th 2009.
By curlei on September 16th 2009.
By ocean on January 15th 2010.
By sherry on February 23rd 2010.
By Liam on September 29th 2010.
TRIP: China
Salimos el 23 de julio de 2010. Escala en Moscu para ir de 6 horas
By tantru on October 25th 2010.
TRIP: Beijing
Great Wall, Tietanamen Square, Foot Massage, Dinner with Lan and Students, Karaoke Night with Students
By ashang on July 27th 2011.
Y lo que más me gustó de China, fueron su personas
By marga on November 19th 2011.