deeandrews's profile

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Currently living in Boulder, United States.

About deeandrews

I love to travel, explore, learn new things... and I’m aware that it doesn’t always go as expected. What I have learned and embraced though is that there is always something to gain from the unexpected. My website, Travel and Travails,, is about sharing experiences, creating a travel guide with unique ideas and places, discovering local experiences, and finding humor and lessons in unexpected travails.

These days, I travel mostly with my family: two parents, two young daughters. We recently returned to the United States from living in Spain for a year. Some of what we experienced and learned as expats living abroad is chronicled on the website too. The stories are meant to inspire, motivate, spark an interest in taking new paths whether to new countries, in trying new foods, or in conquering fears.

We want our daughters to grow up to be travelers, to act on their curiosity, to understand and appreciate the differences in the world, and to make their dreams a reality.

Travel and Travails hopes you will do the same, whether it's for a long weekend, a two week vacation or a year long sabbatical. Go. Experience the world, experience life.

deeandrews's websites: