Mojito 's profile

Avatar of Mojito

39 years. Single.

From Paris, France.

About Mojito


I am Mojito, the travelling compagnion of Reyiel.

I am a little green dragon (yes, a dragon, not a lizard!), quiet, cheerfull, and anxious to discover new places in th human world.

I met Reyiel when her best friend offered me to her as a Christmas gift, and now i go whereever she go!

I protect her fom bad things, help her to sleep in unknown bed, and remind her that her friends and family will always be with her in her trips.

I must be handsome, because every time Reyiel walk with me in her bag in a city street, every body stare at us.

I have a special power: everybody starts smiling hen they see me!

I am young, so i didn't visit a lot of places, but i am doing my best!

bye every body!

2 things you should know about Mojito:

  • I am a Dragon
  • I am fond of Mojitos!!