Innocent Louis's profile

Avatar of Innocent Louis

34 years. Male and single.

About Innocent Louis

Linkscreek Tech offers various kind of computer repair services in Lekki Lagos,

Since 2018 we have been observing the development of the technology. The first thought is often the breakneck speed at which technology is developing.

However, we are also observing the loss of sustainability. Increasingly cheaper devices are making computer repairs in Lekki increasingly unnecessary in purely financial terms. In addition, manufacturers are increasingly making repairs more difficult. All this at a time when sustainable action should be given a higher value.

Linkscreek Tech has learned over the years to fight for every patient. Over the years, many contacts have been made with other specialists with some sometimes unconventional solutions. In any case, we would be happy to support you with sustainable "computers".

With our experienced computer repair technicians you can never go wrong

Computer Repair Service:

Laptops repairs,
Window & software installation,
Broken screen replacement
Computer training classes
Computer upgrading
Hardware Troubleshooting
Computer malfunctions and crashes
Blue and black screens
Corrupt hard drives
Software and hardware upgrades
Spyware, Trojan and other virus attacks