Fancy Apple's profile

Avatar of Fancy Apple

34 years. Male and single.

From New York, United States.

Currently living in New York, United States.

About Fancy Apple

How to rent bikes in New York?
You need to show your New York State issued photo ID and credit card.
You can choose to ride any of the bikes listed (you may rent a different one if you prefer).
Rental includes a helmet and all necessary safety equipment.
Children must be able to reach the ground to rent a bike.
How long does it take to rent a bike?
You can rent a bike for 3h, 45min or 7h or even longer.
How much does it cost to rent a bike?
You need to put down a credit card to guarantee the bike rental price.
Once you rent a bike, you can keep it for up to 1h.
You can return the bike to any bike rack in New York City.

1 thing you should know about Fancy:
